Confirming your identity

Application FAQs

  • I don't have any ID - what should I do?

    We need to see a valid photographic driving licence or passport when you apply for finance.

    We're working on being able to accept other options for proof of identity. In the meantime, if you do not have a photo driving licence or passport, this means you’re unable to apply for an IKEA Finance Services loan.

  • I'm not able to take pictures of my ID

    We need to see pictures of your ID as part of the checks we carry out to assess applications for finance.

    If you’re using the app, you’ll need to allow camera access in your phone settings.

    If you are unable to provide pictures of your ID, we will not be able to process your application.


  • How should I take a photo of my ID?

    The pictures of your ID need to be clear, good quality images to pass our checks.

    • Try to use your mobile phone camera if possible.
    • If you’re using the app, you’ll need to allow camera access in your phone settings.
    • Check you’re in a well-lit room. If the photos are too dark, they will not pass our checks.
    • Avoid using the flash, as the glare can make the image unclear.
    • Take the picture on a flat surface and make sure all corners of your ID are in the frame.
    • Hold the camera/phone parallel to your ID.
    • Make sure the screen rotation feature is unlocked on your phone before taking the picture.

  • Why have I been asked to send my ID again?

    We may need you to take more photographs of your ID or face. This could be because the pictures were unclear. 

    Please make sure:

    • you follow the instructions on screen
    • your ID/face is clearly visible and the only thing in the photograph
    • you take the photographs in a well-lit room - if the photos are too dark, they will not pass our checks
    • if possible, avoid using the flash when you take a picture of your ID - the glare can make the image unclear
    • you place your ID on a flat surface and make sure all corners of your ID are in the frame when you take the picture
    • you hold the camera/phone parallel to your ID.
