Verifying your details

Application FAQs

  • Why do I need to verify my mobile number and email address?

    We need to check the mobile number and email address on your application belongs to you.

  • I didn't get a verification code

    Check that you have a good phone signal or you may not receive the text message.

    Check that you have entered your mobile number correctly on the application screen. 

    If the text message hasn’t arrived within 30 seconds, click ‘resend code’ on the application screen.

  • My verification code hasn't worked

    Please check you've entered the digits in the correct order.

    If you selected ‘resend code’ on the application screen, please make sure you enter the code from the most recent text message or email. When you ask for a new code, other codes that were sent to you will no longer work.

  • I didn't get an email to confirm my email address

    If you’re in store, please make sure you have a strong enough signal to receive your email (ideally join WiFi if it is available).

    Check that you entered your email address correctly on the application screen.

    If your email address is correct, please check your junk/spam folder.
