Entering your details

Application FAQs

  • I get an error when I submit my Direct Debit details

    Please check:

    1. Your bank account is a UK current account.
    2. It's a personal bank account in your name. You cannot use a business account, savings account, or joint account that needs two signatories.
    3. Your personal details (name, address and date of birth) are the same on your application and bank account.

    We use a third party service to automatically check your details. This helps protect you from fraud. 

    If you see an error, it’s likely that the details on your application and bank account do not match.

    If you have recently changed your name, or address, your bank may not have updated the information held by the credit reference agencies (we use Experian data to check your application). Please contact your bank to check this.

    If you have one, you could try using a different current account for your Direct Debit. 

  • I can't find my address on the lookup

    Please check you’ve entered your postcode and house number or name correctly.

    If you have a house name and number, try entering just the house number and street/road name, as sometimes your house name does not match the information that Royal Mail hold for your address.

    If you still can't find your address, unfortunately this means you are unable to apply for a loan at the moment. For example, if your house is a new build, we may not be able to find your details. Sorry, we’re working on this, and you will be able to apply soon.

  • Why do you need to know about my income?

    We need to know your total annual income. This helps us to offer you a loan that best meets your financial situation.

    Please include any form of regular income - like your gross annual income, benefits or pension - as part of the figure.
