Accessing your account

Account FAQs

  • How do I access my account?
  • I didn't get a verification code

    Make sure you have a good phone signal or you may not receive the text message.

    If you haven't received the text message within 30 seconds, click ‘resend OTP’ on the screen.

  • My verification code hasn't worked

    Please check you've entered the digits in the correct order.

    If you selected ‘resend OTP’ on the screen, please make sure you enter the code from the most recent text message or email.

    When you ask for a new code, other codes that were sent to you will no longer work.

  • How do I reset my password?

    Go to the login screen and click on Forgot your password?

  • I'm locked out of my account - what do I do?

    You'll need to reset your password to unlock your account.

    Go to the login screen and click on Forgot your password?
